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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.

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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.


School Vision and Values


'Anchored in faith, we shine!'


Our Vision

As a school community, we have been working hard to develop a new Vision and set of Values for our school.


Children, staff, Governors and parents have contributed to redesigning our Vision and Values, based on the scripture from The Sermon on the Mount, Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’ Matthew 5:16

The words of the Sermon on the Mount remind us that a light should not be put under a bowl – it should give light to everyone, including oneself.   In possession of God’s light and His love, it is possible for us all to show something of his light in our families, in our school, in our community and throughout the world.


At Shottery St Andrew's, we aim to shine brightly as a church school. Our vision is to ‘be lights to the world,’ radiating through every aspect of our ethos and provision.

As a result, we are a community where ‘fullness of life’ for everyone has the highest priority and where everyone, on a daily basis, is embraced as part of our Christian school family. We want our children to be happy, safe and enjoy coming to school, developing confidence, independence, curiosity and a true love for learning. We want them to reach their potential in the wider world and make a positive difference to it. We aim to provide our children with enriching opportunities to enable them to become well-rounded citizens, who value and respect diversity; know how to keep themselves and others safe; and who are proud of their achievements and successes.


We trust you will find our website informative and interesting as well as feeling a little of the vibrancy of our learning community and environment. We are passionate about our vision and our strapline, ‘Anchored in faith, we shine!’ encapsulates our school philosophy. We want all our children to achieve their full capacity as children of a loving heavenly Father. We make mistakes and learn by them in a supportive and caring community. Reconciliation and forgiveness are ‘built in’, not a ‘bolt on!’


With strong links to St. Andrew’s Church and our proud Church of England ethos, we have a firm grounding for developing our children into rounded individuals who have the skills they need for life as well as life-long learning.




Our School Values


Our SHINE values create a framework for our school community to achieve our aims.


We SHINE because we are:





Christian Values Fayre...our pupils' contributions to our new school vision and values...


Developing a new Vision and set of Values - Parent Survey Responses
