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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.

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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.



Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Early Years Curriculum at

Shottery St Andrew's CofE Primary School


Main Intent of the Early Years Curriculum

  • To develop our children into enthusiast and inquisitive learners by understanding and following children’s interests.
  • To provide exciting and inspiring opportunities throughout our EYFS curriculum to support learning, consolidate and deepen knowledge and ensure all children meet their next steps.


Main Impact of the Early Years Curriculum

  • Early years at Shottery St Andrew's CofE Primary School starts building the foundations to produce learners who can think for themselves, be resilient and face challenges with strategies to overcome and progress.
  • Reception children complete their first year ready and prepared for the Primary Curriculum and reach a good level of development by the end of the Reception Year.


To look at a more detailed breakdown of the 'Intent, Implementation and Impact' of the EYFS curriculum at Shottery St Andrew's, please see the document below. 

Reception Baseline Parent Information
