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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.

School Logo

Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.


School Vision and Values

At Shottery St Andrew's, we aim to shine brightly as a church school. Our vision is to ‘be lights to the world,’ radiating through every aspect of our ethos and provision.

As a result, we are a community where ‘fullness of life’ for everyone has the highest priority and where everyone, on a daily basis, is embraced as part of our Christian school family.

We SHINE because we are:

Bible Story links to our School Christian Values


The idea behind these story and bible links is to give children across the school an insight into each of our different School Christian values and to also be able to relate this to their own ideas and experiences both in school and at home.


There is a link made between a secular story and a Biblical one. If parents prefer they may substitute other stories they consider relevant to the value, but making sure that they retain a Biblical story which demonstrates the value from a Christian perspective. The theological basis, or Christian teaching about each value is included with each template.


The objects used within each story should reflect the different elements of the stories so that children can re-tell or re-enact the stories themselves. Teachers and/or children may wish to add to the given suggestions.


Pictures give an added visual stimulus which reflect the ideas incorporated within the value being explored. These can be sourced through Google or any appropriate photos.


The ideas given in the templates are starting points to engage children, to deepen their understanding of our Christian values and to allow them to respond to the given stimulus. 
