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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.

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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.


Collective Worship

Collective Worship at Shottery St Andrew's

CofE Primary School



In our school, Collective Worship underpins all that we do, prepares us for the day ahead and allows for a time of community, quiet, reflection and prayer. 


Our daily act of worship is contained within our morning assemblies:


Monday 9:00am - Whole school worship led by Mrs Withers to introduce the value of the week

Tuesday 9:00am -  Global Worship (Picture News) in classes/ Reverend Craig Assembly/ Open the Book

Wednesday 9:00am - Singing Worship

Thursday 9:00am - Class Worship, completing class reflection journals

Friday 9:00am - KS1/ KS2 Celebration assembly led by Mrs Withers - parents are welcome to join us with these assemblies to share and celebrate their children's work and achievements with us. 


Acts of worship are carefully planned around Christian Festivals and are an opportunity to help children learn about and acquire our Christian values in a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment.  Every act of worship contains music, song and prayer and a quiet opportunity for reflection.  


Reverend Craig visits the school every three weeks for Collective Worship and Open the Book Bible Group, also visit every month.


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from daily acts of worship.   We would encourage you to discuss this with Mrs Withers, our Headteacher.



Collective Worship Policy

Celebration Assembly


We begin each Friday with our whole school Celebration Assembly. Families are invited to join us to celebrate the achievements and successes throughout the week.


The following awards are presented each week:


Headteacher Award, Shottery Stars (Behaviour Award), DOJO Champion Award and School Values Award (chosen and presented by the school Worship Committee).


Any pupil who receives a Shottery Stars award, is also invited for a hot chocolate and cookie on a Friday afternoon.





Worship Committee

Children from Year 2 to 6 applied to be in the Worship Committee. The successful applicants now take an active role in our daily collective worship - organising the seating and music and reading prayers. They review and evaluate collective worship to ensure it continues to be inclusive, inspirational and invitational, having regular meetings with Mrs Withers.

As part of their role, the children are also responsible for sharing the 'Collective Worship Journals' with their classes, where there is an opportunity each week to reflect upon the theme from Monday's assembly.







I-Sing Pop: Joy

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Singing Worship






Collective Worship Themes 2024-2025

We have personalised each collective worship theme, to our school...

Collective Worship themes 2023 - 2024

Assembly Themes 2022 - 2023


Collective Worship themes 2021-2022

Harvest Festival

Ideas to try at home linked to our Collective Worship themes.

Truth and Truthfulness



The Cross of Nails Pilgrimage
