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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.

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Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School

Care, Inspire, Achieve.


RSE Parent Consultation

Whilst the consultation period is now CLOSED we feel it useful for you to have an overview of the process followed and the responses received.


At Shottery St Andrew's CofE Primary School, we believe in teaching children about healthy relationships with friends and family, developing a good understanding of what healthy future relationships can look like.  We work hard to ensure all our children are taught how to be healthy and safe in their lives and choices they make; this includes recognising and forming positive life sustaining relationships with others both in the real and virtual world.

We invite you to be part of our consultation regarding the introduction of the new R.S.E. curriculum for the coming academic year. 

RSE Parent Consultation letters

RSE Parent Consultations results
